
Your body has wisdom on how to heal itself. I help you unlock that wisdom by removing negativity, balancing and recharging your energy.

As I work across your body, I will sense the negative beliefs you are holding onto and the blocks this creates. Then I offer guidance for escaping the negativity.

We conclude with a discussion of practices you may use outside of the healing sessions, to expand the benefits of your rebalanced energy.

I offer all services via distance healing as well as in person if you live in the Kansas City area.


Energy Work

Energy Healing Session

50 minutes for $90
90 minutes for $120

In Person or Distance

In all my energy healing sessions, I detect the false beliefs being stored in your body, and I clean out that emotional pain, recharge you, and coach you on letting go of the false, negative beliefs at the root of your energetic blockages. I work collaboratively with my clients as I extract this blocked energy and leave them with notes and recommendations for aftercare. This is for you if you feel emotionally unbalanced - perhaps feeling heavy, weighed down, stagnant, over-activated, or frazzled.

In 50 minute sessions, I give a basic tune-up, but In 90 minute sessions, I can offer more depth work as described below.

Deep Clean Spinal Zap

Available in 90 minute session
20-30 minutes

Did you know that some of your deepest, unconscious stress and pain is stored in your spine? I start with a full cleanse, then I clear your spine. For you if you have had a few Full Cleanses and would like to deeply work on some persistent issues. You will probably feel especially sleepy and relaxed after this one, so plan on some recovery time afterward.

Cord Work
(Relationship Healing)

Available in 90 minute session
20-30 minutes

Got a relationship that's causing you excessive grief, anger, fear, or insecurity? Old family patterns getting you down? Then this is for YOU. I clear the energetic connections, cords and false beliefs that keep you stuck in old patterns and negative feedback loops. And I help you draw boundaries and give love to yourself, rather than drawing it from others.

Organ Healing

Available in 90 minute session

20-30 minutes

If you are under a doctor's care for a physical issue but would like to understand, work with, and clear any spiritual issues that intersect with your illness, this is for you. After your Full Cleanse, then we will focus on balancing and clearing your organs and areas of deep stress. I will recharge your energetic field as well.

Ogham Energy

Available in any session

I sometimes integrate Ogham energy into my sessions in addition to the energetic cleansing I typically do. Ogham is an old Irish symbol system that was used for language, categorization, and magical purposes. The symbols have energetic properties that can be very healing. This is particularly helpful for very deep blockages that take multiple sessions and much inner work to clear.


Ogham Readings

15 minutes for $40
30 minutes for $65
50 minutes for $90

15 minute sessions only available virtually.30 or 50 minute sessions may be virtual or in person.

Ogham is an old Irish symbol system that was used for language, categorization, and magical purposes. The symbols, along with my intuition, give me insight that I offer to you. With this insight, I intend to give you clarity on any questions, decisions, and dilemmas that you wish to explore.

I donate 10% of all profits from Ogham readings to an Irish conservation nonprofit.

Star Trek Readings

15 minutes for $40
30 minutes for $65
50 minutes for $90

Did you know that Tarot was originally a card game before the Romani people created a divination system from it? Knowing this, I asked myself - why not create divination systems from modern card games? As a Trekkie, I started experimenting with a Star Trek card game and found it to be an effective divination system.

Currently, I offer readings from The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine decks. The characters, places, items, and episodes within these decks give me clarity on what you may currently be going through. I combine this with my intuition to offer you insight on any questions, decisions, and dilemmas that you wish to explore.

Additional Offerings

Regression Hypnotherapy

1 Hour

Phone, Virtual, or In Person

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy to help clear issues you suspect began in a past life. This is not an energy healing session but is intended to give you insight and context so you have the insight you need to address a current day situation. You will lie down, and I will take you through a process that feels like a guided meditation so that we can encounter past issues with present-day relevance.

Spiritual Consultation

1 Hour

Phone, Virtual, or In Person

Through consultation, I can personally teach you spiritual skills such as meditation, visualization, protection, witchcraft, ritual development, deity work, intuitive development, or increasing your energetic sensitivity. A consultation session gives us the space to go more in depth with skill development than I would be able to at the end of a reading or energy healing session, when I give resources to clients but lack the time to give personalized step-by-step instructions.



Energy Healing Packages

$225 — Three 50 minute Energy Healings ($270 value)
 — Five 50 minute Energy Healings ($450 value)
$750 — Ten 50 minute Healings ($900 value)

Energy Healing Plus Packages
Includes a full cleanse plus one add-on of cord work, spinal zap, or organ healing per session

$300 — Three 90 minute Healings ($360 value)
 — Six 90 minute Healings ($720 value)
$1,000 — Ten 90 minute Healings ($1,200 value)